Minutes of Asselby Parish Council meeting held at the Black Swan, Asselby on Thursday 10th October 2024.
Present: R. Pickersgill, T. Smith, D. Walker, Gary Franklin, Amanda Macchi and P. Adams (clerk).
1. Minutes of last meeting were signed off
2. No declarations of interest
1.Matters arising
a. Remembrance Sunday (TS) – discussion around order of service and attendance by councillors. RP to print out
b. Proposed road safety scheme (RP) – raised the issue around the Knedlington crossroads and confirmed this is still planned for the current years budget by ERYC. TS to source paint for stencilling road markings around dog fouling.
c. Christmas tree funding – agreed from two local companies to sponsor the full cost of this years tree. Many thanks to Hallam castings and Walkers Steel.
d. Christmas Carols (AM) – confirmed for Saturday 30th November. AM to contact the school to ensure adequate supervision by enhance DBS staff.
e. Village Walkabout – hedges in Knedlington and village walkabout. Council asked Clerk to chase ERYC
2. Accounts
a. PA gave financial statement regarding current account holdings (£7916)
3. Planning Matters
a. Pear Tree Farm (RP) – no application has been received for this property as yet. Council to monitor for this appearing.
b. Blacksmiths Lane – appeal has been lodged following a refusal by ERYC. PC did not object to origi
3. Correspondence
a. NA
4. Any other business.
a. APCA funds (RP) – raised the issue that a number of residents had raised a query around the non-use of the APCA funds. Council discussed this as needing clarification to residents that these funds do not sit within the PC remit.
Meeting ended at 7-41 pm Next meeting 28th November 2024