Minutes of Asselby parish Council Meeting held Online with Delegated Authority to the Clerk and Chairman on Monday 18th May 2020
Those taking part online - Members:- R. Pickersgill, P. Burnley, Mrs. S. Hunt, Mrs. D. Mumby and M. Clarke. Also, Clerk:- Mrs. S. Oates.
1. The minutes of the previous meeting, held online, were agreed by all as correct.
2. There were no declarations of interest by a member on any of the following issues.
a. Yorkshire Ambulance (NHS) Service – Automated form to carry out fortnightly maintenance checks on defibrillator. Completed.
b. ERYC – Notification that Village Taskforce Walkabout is cancelled until 2021.
c. ERNLLCA - Information received advising members to delegate authority to Chairman and Clerk to enable them to make decisions on parish council business in the present pandemic. RESOLVED:- Agreed by all members 07/04/2020.
d. Standing Orders – Copy forwarded to members for agreement. RESOLVED:- Agreed by all.
e. Parish Website – Information regarding Coronavirus Pandemic and help available in the parish posted on website and Black Swan notified.
a. PKF Littlejohn – Information regarding 19/20 Audit.
b. Accounts April 2019 to March 2020 – Year end balance at 31/03/2020 - £3864.78.
(i) Certificate of Exemption
(ii) Annual Governance Statement
(iii) Accounting Statement RESOLVED:- All statements approved for signature by members online. Signed by Chairman and Clerk after meeting closed at 6.00pm.
Internal Audit completed by Mrs. C. Taylor 16/04/2020.
c. Zurich Insurance – Renewal paid online 21/04/2020 - £306.59.
d. Howden Town Council – Precept for HJBC paid online £157.00 on 21/04/2020 and £400.00 on 22/04/2020. Total Precept £557.00.
e. ERNLLCA - Membership Fees paid online £287.24 - 23/04/20
f. HSBC – Bank Statement to 21/04/2020 – Balance at bank £3401.19.
g. ERYC – Parish Precept first instalment £2600.00 paid into account 29/04/2020.
h. Wreath for VE Day – Paid to L. Dibnah * £20.00. £5.00 Printing Paper. Total paid online £25.00 11/05/2020.
*Section 137:- Resolved that the council, in accordance, with its powers under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, should incur the expenditure which in the opinion of the council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants.
a. Outline for the erection of a detached dwelling (all matters reserved) land east of Ivy House, Asselby for J. Rowlands. 20/00075 – Permission Granted.
b. Variation of Condition 10 (approved plans) of planning 18/03020/VAR for the erection of a dwelling at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for Blakely Homes Ltd. 20/000148/VAR – Permission Granted.
c. Proposed alterations to south (front) boundary to infill existing pedestrian gateway with feature wall and to create a pedestrian gateway to the south-east corner of the boundary wall, creation of pedestrian gateway in garden north boundary wall, reinstatement of gate pier and repair of existing gate pier at fold yard entrance and external alterations to fold yard shelter including replacement roof at Knedlington Old Hall for Mr. P. Thomas. Listed Building Consent 20/01166. Full Planning Permission 20/01165 – No comments or observations
. d. Erection of two storey extension to side and rear following demolition of existing single storey extensions and chimney, installation of new double glazed sash windows and application of render to the whole dwelling, Kielder Cottage, Knedlington for D. Teesedale. 20/00476. Permission Granted.
a. ERYC – Provision of Services during Coronavirus Pandemic – Cllr. M. Strathers
. b. ERYC – Holding Meetings/Restrictions on Movements/Closure of Burial Grounds during Coronavirus Pandemic – Matthew Buckley. Head of Legal and Democratic Services. c. ERYC – Electoral Restrictions and Casual Vacancies – Simon Clark. Electoral Services.
d. ERNLLCA – Funerals/Burials/Cremations/Holding Meetings/19-20 Audit/Access to service/Newsletter.
e. ERYC – Tree Planting Fund.
f. NALC – Coronavirus – Information for Parish and Town Councils. Link posted on website for residents to access updated information.
g. Clerks & Councils Direct Newsletter.
h. ERYC/Library Service – Request for information regarding VE Day celebrations in the parish.
i. ERYC – Notification of New Public Rights of Way Officer for area.
a. Confirmation to report issues regarding dogs to the ERYC Dog Warden.
b. Email Scam – No further action.
c. Request to put forward to the next Agenda for discussion:- Dog Walking/Fouling. Road Surface in Back Lane. Hedge corner of Landing Lane/Back Lane. Lockdown issues regarding walkers.
The Online meeting closed for comments at 6.00pm.
Previous Minutes and documents for the Audit which required signatures were signed by the Chairman and Clerk
after all approvals/observations were made by the members online.