Minutes of Asselby Parish Council Annual General Meeting held at
The Black Swan, Asselby on Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7.30pm
PRESENT:- Messrs. T. Fawcett (Chair), R. Pickersgill, J. Oates, P. Burnley and R. Raywood.
Also, Mrs. A. Raywood.
CHAIRMAN – Proposed by R. Raywood that R. Pickersgill be Chairman: Seconded by J. Oates and agreed by all present. Accepted by R. Pickersgill.
T. Fawcett then left the room and R. Pickersgill chaired the meeting.
VICE-CHAIRMAN – Proposed by J. Oates that P. Burnley be Vice-Chairman:
Seconded by R. Raywood and agreed by all present. Accepted by P. Burnley.
Proposed by Rob Pickersgill that R. Raywood and P. Burnley represent the parish council on the Howden Joint Burial Committee: Seconded by J. Oates.
Accepted by R. Raywood and P. Burnley.
2. Signing of Acceptance of Office forms and Register of Interest forms were completed by those present.
The Clerk informed the members that there were three places on the parish council which could be filled by co-option. Agreed by all that a message be put out on the parish Facebook page informing residents of this and that a form can be obtained from the Clerk.
Co-options will take place at the next parish council meeting.
The standing orders will remain as a guide for conducting meetings.
4. The Clerk had contacted Mrs. C. Taylor regarding the Internal Audit of the parish council accounts and this had been completed.
The meeting closed at 7.50pm.
Confirmed as true record of meeting and signed by R. Pickersgill - 10/06/2019