Minutes 06/02/2018


Minutes of Asselby Parish Council meeting held at the

Black Swan, Asselby on Tuesday 6th February 2018 at 7.30pm

PRESENT:- Messrs. T. Fawcett, R. Pickersgill, J. Oates, A. Walker, R. Raywood and P. Burnley. Also, CC C. Bayram.

1. There were no apologies for absence.

2. The minutes of the last meeting were signed as correct.

3. There were no declarations of interest by a member on any of the following matters.

4. Matters Arising

a. P. Burnley Co-option – The chairman and members welcomed Paul Burnley to the parish council. Declaration of Acceptance of Office and  Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms were completed by P. Burnley.

b. Defibrillator – Checked – No further action required.

c. ERYC – Street Namebank. A short list had been sent to the ERYC proposing names for any new development in the parish which had an historical reference to the area.

d. Crossroads Petition – The Clerk had been forwarded a copy of the Agenda for the Environment & Regeneration Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee meeting held on 24th January 2018. The ERYC Highways officers had proposed erecting map-type signage and a short footway extension at the north-east side of Knedlington to help pedestrians. They also suggested that hedges/shrubs/trees should be cut back to maximise sightlines. CC C. Bayram showed the members a map of the area and accidents that had occurred over several years and it was agreed by all present that the proposed new developments north of Howden would impact on the situation at Knedlington Crossroads due to traffic – both from contractors developing the sites and future residential use. Agreed by all to contact Screetons (land agents for Knedlington Estate) to request the cutting back of hedges/shrubs/trees in the immediate area around the Crossroads and wait until the minutes of the Environment & Regeneration Overview & Scrutiny Sub-Committee meeting on 24th January 2018 were available.

e. Christmas Tree – Removed 13th January 2018. Thank you to T. Fawcett.

f. Booth Sign – Noted the Booth Sign had been replaced in December and was well secured.

g. Ouse and Humber Drainage Board – Riparian Owership. The Clerk had contacted Andrew McLachlan at OHDB and he had sent a map of the parish showing various watercourses. J.Oates to assist with names of farmers/landowners who have Riparian responsibility for watercourses on their land.

h. Bench Replacement – New bench to be ordered for Asselby after winter.

5. Accounts a. S. Oates – Salary to 31/12/2017. Paid by Standing Order £550.00. Internet* expenses Oct-Dec £33.00. Extra Hours* for work on parish website Oct-Dec £99.00. Total £132.00 *Paid for by Transparency Code Funding.

b. ERYC – Confirmation of Tax Base for Council Tax. c. HSBC – Bank statements to 21/01/2018 – Balance £4755.72. d. Petty Cash – Cheque for £50.00 cash 05/12/2017. Thank you gifts for Campbell & Stenton (tax) and Stacey McVeighty (Internal Audit) £31.62

6. Planning Matters. None.

7. Correspondence.

a. Drax – Proposed Repower Project.

b. ERYC – Consultation Local Plan Draft.

c. ERYC – Electoral Register Updates.

o attend.

e. HMRC – Update to IT System.

f. Easily – Web address company notice of upgrade for customers.

g. Aldborough Parish Council – Planning.

h. Humber & Wolds Rural Action – Community Led Housing.

i. Estuary Television/Luke Adams.

j. Humber Newsletter

k. No further action on any of the items for perusal.


8. Any Other Business.

a. S. Cookson – Asselby Parish Community Association Facebook page had received a request from a resident asking what could be done to stop people throwing litter from vehicles onto the roadside/verges between Knedlington and Asselby and from Asselby to Barmby. This had been forwarded to the Clerk for discussion by the parish council. The members agreed that there had been a significant number of coffee cups/cartons discarded at the verges and it had been noted that a resident had done a litter pick. After discussion it was agreed to purchase ‘litter pick canes’ and members would clear the verges as required. Also, S. Cookson would be asked if a message could be displayed on the APCA Facebook page requesting that residents who see litter being thrown from vehicles take note of the registration number, type or company name on the vehicle and inform the Clerk so that the details can be sent to East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

b. Mud on Highway – It had been noted that the highway from the A63 opposite Vencel Resil through Knedlington to the west end of Asselby was in a muddy state due to the harvesting of carrots. R. Raywood contacted the Clerk and requested the matter be reported to the Highways Department – he also contacted the Contractor who had been apologetic and arranged for a road sweeper to brush the highway – this was being continued as the harvesting work was being carried out. Thanks were expressed to R. Raywood. The Highways Customer Care informed the Clerk that it was ‘the responsibility of the Contractor to clean up the road and the Police have the power to enforce Contractors to clean mud on the road and display ‘mud on the road’ signs’. Concerns regarding the verge and kerb at the west end of the village would be inspected by the Highways Department. It was agreed by the members that the Clerk should contact Highways with a request to ask them for a road sweeper to clean the road from Knedlington through Asselby.

c. It was noted that rain water had been left standing on the approach to Asselby at the small planted area to the left. Highways to be asked if the gully in the area could be cleared.

d. P. Burnley noted that the footway between Asselby and Knedlington was in need of some repair work as it was in poor a poor state. This had been discussed at the Village Task Force walkabout in 2016 and there was not the funding for it. Agreed that this should be brought up at the next VTF Walkabout which should take place around May. Also, the road at Boothferry to be included in the discussion.


The meeting closed at 9.00pm.