Minutes of Asselby Parish Council meeting held at the Black Swan, Asselby on
Tuesday 4th December 2018 at 7.30pm
PRESENT:- Messrs. T. Fawcett, J. Oates, A. Walker, R. Pickersgill, P. Burnley and R. Raywood. Also, CC. C. Bayram.
1. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as correct.
2. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.
3. Matters Arising.
a. Defibrillator – Checked 20/10/2018 and 24/11/2018 – No further action required.
b. Gullies Asselby – It is noted that the hedge overhanging the gully in Asselby has not yet been cut back.
c. ERYC – No Cold Calling Zone – Form requested and completed to set up No Cold Calling Zone.
d. Asselby Talking – Message put on parish Facebook page requesting care when setting off fireworks. (Thanks to Paul Burnley).
e. Asselby Roll of Honour – After discussion with all members it was agreed to ask J. Rotherham Memorials to replace the misspelt name on the Roll of Honour with a new block showing the correct spelling. The daughter of P. Hornshaw, Mrs. L. Fox, was informed what action the members were taking to make good the mistake and thanked them for their support.
f. Remembrance Day Service – The Service arranged for 11/11/2018 was very well supported by both Asselby and Barmby residents. Thanks were expressed to all taking part and all who attended.
4. Accounts.
a. ERYC – Service Level 1 Agreement for Street Lighting – Cheque £680.20 paid 22/10/2018.
b. HMRC – VAT Claim £152.24 paid into account 13/11/2018.
c. *Royal British Legion – Donation £75.00 paid 24/10/2018.
d. J. Rotherham Memorials - Cheque £720.00 paid 15/10/2018.
e. *Humber Imports – Westminster Teak 1.8m bench for Asselby paid by cheque £179.00 29/10/2018.
f. HSBC – Bank Statements to 21/11/2018 Balance at bank £5101.67.
g. ERYC – Parish Council Precept request 2019/2020. Also notification from Howden Joint Burial Committee of increased precept request. An estimate of expenses for 2019/20 had been made by the Clerk and was discussed by the members. It was resolved that the parish council would request the same amount as last year which was £4950.00. The form was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.
h. *FestiveLights – It was agreed that A. Walker would purchase new lights for the annual parish Christmas tree. Cheque paid 29/11/2018 £168.85. (This matter was sorted after the agenda went out). Thanks were expressed to A. Walker. Thanks also to T. Fawcett and J. Oates for the erection/decoration of the donated Christmas Tree.
*The above items c, e and h – Section 137. Resolved that the council, in accordance, with its powers under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, should incur the expenditure which in the opinion of the council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants.
5. Planning Matters.
a. Internal and external alterations at Knedlington Old Hall for P. Thomas – 18/02559 – Permission granted.
b. Erection of GRP Borehole Kiosk for Yorkshire Water at Loftsome Bridge Water Treatment Works – 18/03339. Notification for interest only.
c. Removal of Condition 2(person solely or mainly working or last working in agriculture) on planning permission 16/03179VAR at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for R. Boldan 18/03020 – Permission granted.
d. Variation of condition 6(approved plans) of planning permission 17/02054 (Erection of two dwellings and associated works following demolition of existing farm buildings) to allow for minor layout changes and addition of a detached double garage at Box Tree Farm, Asselby for Potton Limited Building Contractors – No Comments.
6. Correspondence.
a. ERYC – The Lane, Booth. Ongoing issue with A. Walker and residents regarding Booth/Boothferry.
b. ERYC – Notification of Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2017 (Howden Footpath Nos. 15 and 16).
c. ERYC – Local Plan Review Options consultation event – Attended by R. Pickersgill 15/11/2018 at The Courtyard, Goole – Ongoing – further meeting at Howden.
d. ERYC – Rough Sleepers Survey 2018 – Form completed and returned. e. ERYC – Village Taskforce/Walkabout Survey – Form completed and returned.
7. Any Other Business.
a. Fly Tipping – Clerk had notified ERYC when two mattresses had been fly tipped in a gateway between Asselby and Knedlington. (Items removed).
b. The Clerk reminded the members that the parish council buy a thank you gift for Campbell and Stenton for information they supply to HMRC regarding tax and also for C. Taylor who carried out the internal audit of the parish council accounts. Agreed by all present to buy a gift for each.
c. R. Raywood – Informed the members that the footway between Asselby and Knedlington was in a poor state of repair. (The Village Taskforce meeting was to note work that needed doing between the name plates of the villages and not the area between the villages). Agreed by all to contact Highways and inform them of the concerns.
d. P. Burnley – Informed the members of a leaflet he had been given regarding the planting of free trees and hedgerows. Agreed by all to get further information.
The meeting was closed at 9.15pm.