Minutes of Asselby Parish Council Meeting held at the Black Swan, Asselby
on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at 7.30pm
PRESENT:- Messrs.T. Fawcett, R. Pickersgill, J. Oates, A. Walker and R. Raywood.
Also, CC C. Bayram. Mr. & Mrs. G. Wilson (8.15pm). Apologies from P. Burnley.
1. The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read and signed correct.
2. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.
3. Matters Arising.
a. Defibrillator – Checked – No further action required.
b. ERYC Local Council and Parish Elections – Information/Forms/Posters received.
c. ERNNLCA – Information regarding dates/timetable of Council and Parish Elections.
d. Neighbourhood Watch/Request for 20mph speed limit and Speed Watch Scheme – Reply received from ERYC Traffic & Parking that there was good road safety record and the existing traffic calming measures and road signage already in place were adequate. Contact information was given regarding the setting up of a Speed Watch Scheme which was sent to the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator. Email received from Asselby resident requesting the parish council register an interest in the Speed Watch Scheme. Resolved: The Clerk will register an interest in the scheme and request further information.
e. No Cold Calling Zone – The contact who the Clerk had been dealing with regarding the NCCZ had left the post. The Clerk had been informed that a survey of residents would be required. Resolved: The NCCZ would not go ahead as the members agreed that there were few Cold Callers in the parish.
f. ERYC – Approved Name Bank.
4. Accounts. a. Clerks Phone Expenses 01/10/2019 to 19/03/2019 paid by cheque 19/03/2019 - £8.25. Salary 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 paid by Standing Order 31/03/2019 - £550.00.
b. Hedge Nursery – Agreed by members to purchase new hedging to replace that damaged last year. Area cleared and hawthorn cuttings replaced by J. Oates and R. Raywood. Paid by cheque 19/03/2019 - £26.99.
c. HSBC – Bank Statements to 21/03/2019 – Balance at bank £4302.82.
d. Estimated yearend balance £3717.58. Total expenditure £5242.45. 01/04/2018 - 31/03/2019
e. PKF Littlejohn LL – Notification of Audit and Forms.
f. ERNLLCA – Membership fee 19/20 paid by cheque 31/03/2019 - £273.90.
g. Howden Town Council (HJBC) – Precept 19/20 paid by cheque 31/03/2019 - £504.00.
5. Planning Matters.
a. Proposed conversion of existing outbuilding to dwelling including single storey extension to side at Land and Buildings south of Sycamore House Farm, Asselby for Mr. & Mrs. Fielder 19/00423 – No Observations or comments.
b. Conversion of existing barn to dwelling including erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing outbuildings Land North of War Memorial, Asselby for Mr. M. Bolden 18/03814 – Permission Granted.
c. Conversion of existing agricultural buildings, including alterations and extensions to create four dwellings and erection of a double garage following demolition of existing fold yard and two dutch barns Land/Buildings south of Field House Farm, Asselby for D.A. Platt – 19/00949 (Agreed by all present to add this proposal to agenda for discussion as it was received after the Agenda for the meeting went out to members and comments were requested by 17/04/2019). Resolved:- No observations regarding conversion of dwellings but comments to be sent regarding concerns about the existing concrete area which adjoins Plot 1 and its long term use by farm vehicles and heavy goods vehicles which is not compatible with residential development. Also, request for upgrading and continued maintenance of road surface from Main Street to Field House Farm access and retention of existing boundary wall between Field House Farm and Summerfield House which is considered to be in keeping with the area.
6. Correspondence.
a. ERYC – Notification of Surface Dressing A63 Boothferry Road, A63 Knedlington Road, Asselby – Provisional commencement date for whole scheme is 8th April 2019. The work is between Knedlington Crossroads and Boothferry Bridge Mini Roundabout and will be undertaken using a Stop/Go and convoy system. Signs will be placed prior to commencement to warn the public.
b. ERYC – Dave Sach, Highways dealt with query regarding loading of sugar beet on footway between Knedlington and Asselby.
c. ERYC – Online Supplies Catalogue.
7. Any Other Business.
a. Hedge overgrowing gully/Landing Lane, Asselby – work to be carried out.
b. Footway between Asselby and Knedlington – work to be carried out.
c. Signage at Knedlington Crossroads – work to be carried out in this financial year.
d. Parish Council Meetings – Meetings can continue to be held at the Black Swan, Asselby.
e. Village Task Force – Paving slabs on retaining wall at Boothferry Enbankment still need to be repaired. VTF Officer Jim McGivern to be informed.
f. Parish Councillors Tim Fawcett (12 years) and Adrian Walker (7 years) were thanked for the work they have carried out on behalf of the parish.
The Annual Open Meeting, Annual General Meeting and an ordinary Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th May 2019.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm