p>Asselby Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 22nd June 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs R. Pickersgill (Chair), D. Walker, T. Smith, M. Clarke and P. Adams (Clerk).
1. Apologies for Absence A. Macchi
2. To confirm minutes of the held on 13th April 2023.
The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
3. Matters Arising
a. Community association and David Howard ERYC to be invited to next meeting (PA/DW)
b. First aid defrib abd CPR training update (DW/RP)
c. Setting up of a community speed watch group was discussed and contact with other parishes suggested. (AM)
d. Coronation grant finalised (PA)
e. dog fouling signs to be repainted (RP)
4. Accounts a. HSBC – current financial statement discussed with a balance of £5981.76
5. Planning matters a. NA
6. Any Other Business
a. Clerks report
b. ERYC- Planning Liaison meetings schedule
7. Crossroads group Ongoing
The meeting ended at 8-00 pm Date of the next meeting: 7th September 2023, Black Swan, Asselby
Asselby Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council AGM held on Thursday 22nd June 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs R. Pickersgill (Chair), D. Walker, T. Smith, M. Clarke and P. Adams (Clerk).
Apologies: A. Macchi
1. Minutes of last AGM were read and agreed.
2.Election of Officers RP agreed to remain as Chair and unanimous vote by council DW agreed to sit on HJBC TS agreed to sit as Vice Chair.
PFO to remain with Clerk role.
3 Accounts Financial statement signed off and agreed by full council. External audit forms completed.