Emergency - Meeting 17/12/2019



Minutes of Asselby Parish Council ‘Emergency Meeting’ held at The Black Swan, Asselby

on Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 7.30pm


PRESENT:- Messrs. R. Pickersgill, J. Oates, P. Burnley and Mrs. S. Hunt. Clerk:- Mrs. S. A. Oates

The meeting was called by the Chairman R. Pickersgill who informed those present he wanted to discuss the following issues:-

1. The use of the Website and Facebook and the posting of messages by the parish council.

2. Dealing with intimidating dogs.

3. The co-option of members onto the Parish Council to fill existing places and the recent resignation of a member.



1. A problem had arisen due to a message on Facebook which had not been authorised by the parish council. After much discussion it was resolved that in future the Clerk would be the person responsible for posting messages/information on behalf of the Parish Council and that the Parish Website would be updated with pages to accommodate guidance/information on issues that would affect the residents. The Clerk will make enquiries regarding updating pages on the website to allow information regarding Emergency Plan/Floodline/Ongoing issues (e.g. Remembrance Service) and Emergencies.

2. The issue of intimidating dogs was discussed and the Chairman suggested that information should be put on the website informing residents what they need to do if they were attacked or intimidated by an out of control dog. He also suggested that anyone who was attacked or felt intimidated by an out of control dog should take pictures – mobile phone – of the dog and owner for proof.

3. The Clerk had previously notified the members of a resignation by parish councillor R. Raywood who had moved away from the parish. The East Riding of Yorkshire Council had been informed and posters advertising a Vacancy had been placed in Asselby, Knedlington and Boothferry. The Clerk informed those present that ERYC had reported that another parish with a shortage of members was in the process of doing a leaflet drop to let residents know that parish councillors were needed. Agreed by all to wait until after the designated date on the Vacancy Notice was passed and then look at doing a leaflet drop in the parish.



1. Comments had been received that there was a Conflict of Interest for parish councillors who were also on the Community Association Committee.

Information received by the Clerk from East Riding and North Lincolnshire Local Council Association had confirmed there was no real Conflict of Interest.

2. Questions were asked about the Community Association and how it is run/should it come under the remit of the parish council.

The Community Association no longer operates as an event organising group within the parish and use of the Marquee/equipment had been passed to whoever is the licensee of the Black Swan.

3. J. Oates resigned from the Parish Council.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm

Agreed as a true record at the Online meeting held on 1st April 2020