Asselby Parish Council
Dear Councillor Minutes of the meeting which took place on Thursday 8th August 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Black Swan.
Present- Rob Pickersgill, Tim Smith, Gary franklin, Darren Walker, Michael Clarke and Paul Adams (Clerk)
1. Apologies for Absence Amanda Macchi
2. Minutes were confirmed and signed off by Chair (RP).
3. Matters Arising
a. Speed cameras (DW) discussion was held around the possibility of speed awareness cameras as requested by a few residents, PA discussed the hierarchy of need from ERYC
b. Proposed road safety scheme (RP).
c. Christmas tree funding (TS) RP and DW confirmed they would be funding the tree through business donations
d. Howden Hopper support (AM) was discussed, and RP stated he had mentioned this to DH of ERYC
4. Accounts a. HSBC – current financial statement was given with a balance of £5146
b. Expenses this month - none
5. Planning matters Knedlington Hall – conversion of old dove cote to holiday accommodation was discussed with no objections raised
6. Any Other Business – bugler for Remembrance service. RP to contact to discuss attendance.
Agree date for next meeting Meeting ended at 7-52pm