Agenda 16/07/2020

Asselby Parish Council

Clerk:- Mrs. S. A. Oates. East End Farm. Asselby. Goole.

East Riding of Yorkshire. DN14 7HB

Tel:- 01757 638396 Email:-

12th July 2020


Dear Councillor,

You are requested to attend the next parish council meeting which will take place at the Black Swan, Asselby on Thursday 16th July 2020 at 7.30pm


1. Apologies for Absence and agreement to minutes of last meeting.

2. Declaration by a member of an interest in any of the following issues.


a. Defibrillator Checks.

b. Parish Website – Information re Coronavirus. Help updates to residents.

c. Overgrown Hedge junction of Back Lane/Landing Lane.

d. Potholes in Back Lane (west).

e. Dog Fouling/Dogs running over crops. Stencils.

f. Scams. g. Walkers in area during lockdown.



a. Annual Governance and Accountability Return – Certificate of Exemption. Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement.

b. S.A. Oates – Salary to 30/06/2020. Phone and Internet Expenses.

c. HSBC – Bank statements to 21/06/2020.

d. Tesco – Inkjets.

e. Protec Direct – Aerosol Pain for stencils.

f. Ideal Stencils – Clean it Up stencils.



a. ERYC – Decision for Appeal for Rose Lea. (Previously forwarded).

b. ERYC – Comments requested for Erection of two detached dwellings and a detached garage following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings at Sheken, Main Street, Asselby for Mrs. & Mrs. M. Perry – 20/01850.

c. ERYC – Comments requested for Change of Use of land from Hauliers Yard to residential garden Land North West of West End Farm, Asselby for Mr. D. Harling – 20/01963.

d. ERYC – Comments Requested for Change of Use of land from Hauliers Yard to residential Garden Land North West of West End Farm, Asselby for Mr. M. Shaw – 20/02023.



a. ERYC – Guidelines re 6 month non-attendance rule for parish councillors.

b. The Pensions Regulator.

c. Humberside Police – Survey – Community Safety Priorities. Survey – Anti-Social Use of Motorcycles.

d. ERNLLCA – Newsletters (Previously forwarded). Code of Conduct Consultation

e. ERYC – National Highways and Transport User Satisfaction Survey (Completed by Chairman). - Tree Planting Fund. - Community Response Hub. - Casual Vacancies.

f. Clerks and Councils Direct booklet.



a. Damage to Knedlington Brick Structure at Crossroads/Insurance Claim and Rebuild costs.

b. Parking of vehicles on footway and highway. Messages on parish website/Asselby Talking.

c. ERYC – Freedom of Information regarding Analytics on website.

d. Request for information regarding siting of a private mail/post box at building plot adjoining Street View, Asselby.

e. Screetons – Overgrown hedge on Knedlington Estate land along approach to Knedlington Crossroads from Goole.