Dear Councillor,
You are requested to attend the next parish council meeting which will be held at HOWDEN TOWN COUNCIL OFFICES
on Monday 10th June 2019 at 7.30pm.
1. Apologies for absence and signing of the minutes of the last meeting.
2. Declaration by a member of an interest in any of the following issues.
3. Matters Arising
a. Co-option of new member/s. Signing of Acceptance of Office and Register of Interest Forms.
b. HSBC – Bank Mandate – Signatures/Debit Card/Online Banking
c. Defibrillator.
d. Howden Town Council Offices.
e. No Cold Calling Zone.
f. Community Speed Watch Scheme/Kilpin Parish Council.
4. Accounts
a. WelMedical – Defibrillator Pads.
b. HSBC – Bank Statements to 21/05/2019.
c. Parish Website/Accounts for Audit.
d. Zurich Insurance – Payment Receipt.
5. Planning Matters
a. Decision for - Erection of first floor extension with roof lights to rear 19/00607 and Internal works to create additional living accommodation and external alterations including first floor extension with roof lights to rear 19/01030 – Linton House, Asselby for Mr & Mrs. J. Cutt.
b. Decision for - Conversion of existing agricultural buildings, including alterations and extensions to create four dwellings and erection of a double garage following demolition of existing fold yard and two dutch barns at Land and Buildings south of Field House Farm, Asselby for Mr. D.A. Platt. 19/00949.
c. Proposed - Erection of two storey, single storey and first floor extensions with external and internal alterations to threshing and granary barns to allow conversion to dwelling and erection of detached garage at Old Hall Farm, Knedlington for Mr. James Ward. Full Planning Permission 19/01315. Listed Building Consent 19/01316
. d. Proposed – Erection of Dwelling land and building east of The Craggs, Asselby for Mr. N. Rowe. 19/00865.
e. Proposed – Erection of Dwelling land and building west of The Craggs, Asselby for Mr. N. Rowe. 19/00771.
f. Proposed – Change of Use of existing annexe with associated alterations and single storey extension at front to create dwelling land and building east of Chestnut Bungalow, Asselby for Mr. & Mrs. S. Binns. 19/01471.
6. Correspondence
a. East Riding of Yorkshire Council – Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.
b. HJBC (Howden Joint Burial Committee) – Notice of Meeting.
c. Various other items for perusal.
7. Any Other Business
a. Dog Litter Bag Bins.