Asselby Parish Council
Clerk:- Mrs. S.A. Oates. East End Farm. Asselby. Goole.
East Riding of Yorkshire. DN14 7HB
Tel:- 01757 638396 Email:-
AGENDA for meeting to be held Online 5th January 2021 – Chairman and Clerk have delegated powers.
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Declaration by a member of an interest in any of the following items.
3. Minutes of the last meeting.
a. Defibrillator.
b. ERYC - Potholes.
c. Anvil Barn. Blacksmiths Lane. Asselby.
d. Overgrown Hedge – approach to Knedlington Crossroads.
e. Overhanging Trees – Landing Lane. Asselby.
f. Knedlington Crossroads.
g. Zurich/Beachcroft – Excess for insurance claim.
h. Royal Mail – Private Mail Box.
i. A. Walker – benches.
j. Remembrance Service.
k. Christmas Tree.
a. HSBC – Statements.
b. ERYC – Precept paid into bank.
c. Campbell & Stenton – Clerks salary HMRC requirements September/December
d. D A C Beachcroft – Insurance Excess.
e. Wel-Medical – Electrode pads/Battery.
f. ERYC – Street Lighting Energy Agreement.
g. Royal British Legion – Donation*
h. Tesco – Inkjets/paper.
i. Easily Limited – Renewal of Domain registration for website.
j. S. A. Oates – Phone/Internet expenses.
k. Newland Grange – Christmas Tree*
l. Tesco – Christmas Gifts for Internal Audit/HMRC requirements*
m. ERYC – Precept Required 21/22
n. HJBC – Precept Required 21/22
*All items paid under Section 137.
a. Installation of 14.5m wind turbine at The Knoll, Boothferry Road. Howden. 20/01381.
b. Certificate of Lawfulness for Change of Use to garden at Old Fold Yard. Asselby. 20/02793.
c. Erection of ground floor, first floor and two storey extensions at land east of Chestnut Bungalow, Asselby for J. McFaul. 20/03093.
d. Erection of two detached dwellings and a detached garage following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings at Sheken, Asselby for Mr & Mrs. M. Perry. 20/01850.
a. ERYC – Rough Sleeper Survey.
- Winter Grant Scheme
- Winter Maintenance.
- Register of Electors.
- Posters/cards – Covid.
- Topic for Scrutiny.
- Holding meetings.
- Emergency Plan.
- Local Plan.
- Training.
b. NALC/ERNLLCA – Public Consultation Standards in Public Life (Chairman).
- Various Bulletins.
- Newsletters.
- Training Events.
- District Committee and AGM.
c. Humberside Police – Newsletters/Rural Policing Priority Survey.
d. Neil Dillon – SafeSpeed.
e. Elan City – Radar/Speed Aids.
a. Road Sign at Knedlington Crossroads – Reported as blowing over on 31/10/2020.
S. A. OATES - 21/12/2020