Agenda 03/12/2019

Dear Councillor,

You are requested to attend the next Parish Council meeting which will take place on Tuesday 3rd December 2019 at 7.30pm.


1. Apologies for absence and signing of the minutes of the last meeting.

2. Declaration of interest by a member on any of the following items.

3. Matters Arising.

a. Defibrillator.

b. Dog Waste Bag Dispenser.

c. Remembrance Service.

d. Christmas tree.

e. Footway – Asselby/Knedlington.

f. Black Swan.

g. Emergency Planning.

4. Accounts.

a. Hawthorn Hedge Replacement.

b. ERYC – Service Level 1 Agreement for Street Lighting/Refund.

c. ERYC – Dog Waste Bag Dispenser/Planning Enquiry.

d. Royal British Legion – Section 137.

e. S. A. Oates – Phone call costs 27/03/2019 to 15/10/2019.

f. HSBC – Bank Statements.

g. HJBC – Precept requirement 2020/21.

h. ERYC – Precept requirement 2020/21.

i. HMRC – Vat claim.

5. Planning Matters.

a. Proposed erection of four bedroomed detached dormer bungalow (AMENDED PLANS) at Rose Lea, Asselby for E. Allen. 19/02371. Decision Notice.

6. Correspondence.

a. ERYC – Code of Conduct Revision.

b. ERNLLCA – Vote.

c. ERYC – Rough Sleeper Survey 2019.

d. ERYC – Review of Allowances.

e. R. Pickersgill/ERYC - Flood Alert/Updates.

f. ERYC – Crime & Community Safety 6 Monthly Updates as circulated. Humberside Police – Monthly Newsletters as circulated.

g. Various other items for perusal.

7. Any Other Business.

a. Details to HMRC/Internal Audit – Gift Payment.

b. Date of next meeting.

c. Clerk – Phone/BT