Asselby Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 2nd February 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs R. Pickersgill (Chair), D. Walker, T. Smith, A. Macchi, M. Clarke and P. Adams (Clerk).
Guests: C. Bayram. Bamby and Howden council representatives
1. Apologies for Absence NA
2. To confirm minutes of the held on 2nd December 2022 The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
3. Matters Arising
a. Council agree to clerk’s request for an IT equipment budget (£500).
b. Attendance by Barmby and Howden council representatives to discuss crossroads group see end notes;
c. Setting up of a community speed watch group was discussed and contact with other parishes suggested.
d. Coronation grant discussed and to be applied for (PA)
e. local elections discussed and process of application to be discussed at further extra meeting
f. coronation mugs agreed and to be sourced (PA)
g. additional meetings to arrange coronation agreed (16th February)
h. dog fouling signs to be repainted (RP)
4. Accounts a. HSBC – current financial statement discussed with a balance of £5761.27
5. Planning matters
a. One application (Pear Tree Barn) discussed with objections to be submitted by e mail to clerk.
6. Any Other Business a. Clerks report
7. Crossroads group Representatives of Barmby, Howden and ERYC attended to update on progress. AM to be on the steering group. Detailed discussion around blocked roads Meeting with ERYC on 6th February 2023 to be relayed back to steering group
The meeting ended at 9-30 pm Date of the next meeting: 13th April 2023, Black Swan, Asselby