Asselby Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 13th October at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs R. Pickersgill (Chair), D. Walker, T. Smith, A. Macchi, M. Clarke and P. Adams (Clerk).
1. Apologies for Absence P. Burnley.
2. To confirm minutes of the held on 9th August 2022 The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
3. Matters Arising
a. Christmas tree discussed and agreed (12ft).
b. PA to contact KRM regarding horse and carriage at Black Swan
c. Traffic concerns and Knedlington crossroads (AM)
d. Safeguarding for vulnerable residents to be researched (RP)
e. Emergency Plan – to be discussed at the next meeting (ALL)
f. Website and Facebook page set up and access (PA)
4. Accounts
a. HSBC – current financial statement discussed
5. Planning matters
a. Two applications (Mount Pleasant and Rose Cottage) no objections
6. Any Other Business
a. Clerks report
b. Allocation of tasks to be noted
c. Clerks suggestions for updating work processes
d. Remembrance day planning (PA)
e. Co-opt process with ERYC (PA)
The meeting ended at 8.44 pm Date of the next meeting: 1st December 2022, Black Swan, Asselby