9th August 2022

Asselby Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held Tuesday 9th August 2022 at 7.30 pm


Present: Cllrs R. Pickersgill (Chair), P. Burnley, D. Mumby, also P. Adams (Clerk).

1. Apologies for Absence Cllr M. Clarke, A. Macchi.

2. To confirm minutes of the held on 23rd June 2022 The minutes were signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters Arising

a. Annual Audit 21/22 - All documentation approved for signing by Chairman.

b. HSBC Bank Statement – Balance at bank as of 9.8.22 £8,211.12

c. Asselby Nurseries–agreed and to be paid online £1050

d. Clerk’s salary – agreed and to be paid online

e. Emergency Plan – to be discussed at the next meeting


4. Planning Matters

a. Linton House Main Street – approved

b. Land and buildings south of Field House - approved

c. Planning application 22/00078/PLF – Granted.


5. Correspondence

a. ERNNLICA Newsletters emailed to Councillors.

b. Electoral Register - noted

c. Humberside Police Newsletter – emailed to Councillors.


6. Any Other Business

a. Clerk suggested use of One Drive and Teams. PA to provide costing at next meeting.

b. PSPO Review – Two councillors to examine dog fouling signs on lampposts.

c. A councillor felt that there has, of late, been a lack of consideration for residents re. parking on pavements and noise pollution. Councillors would consider contacting Environmental Health and posting reminders on Facebook.


Date of the next meeting: 13th October 2022, Black Swan, Asselby


P Adams