Minutes 16/07/2020

Minutes of Asselby Parish Council Meeting held at the Black Swan, Asselby

on Thursday 16th July 2020 at 7.30pm.

(National Association of Local Councils and National Guidelines on holding Face to Face meetings observed).

PRESENT:- Messrs. R. Pickersgill, (Chair), P. Burnley, M. Clarke, Mrs. S. Hunt, Mrs. D. Mumby and Mrs. S. A. Oates (Clerk). Also present:- Mr. & Mrs. L. Heppleston.

The Chairman introduced Mr. & Mrs. Heppleston to the meeting.

They wished to discuss a planning application next to their property. (20/01850/PLF – see 5. Planning item b). The members listened to and discussed the concerns they expressed and informed Mr. & Mrs. Heppleston they would take these issues into account when making their comments to the Planning Department.

Mr. & Mrs. Heppleston then left the meeting.

1. There were no absences and the minutes of the last meeting had been read and signed correct.

The Chairman welcomed Mrs. D. Mumby and Mr. M. Clarke to their first face to face parish council meeting.

2. There were no declarations of interest made by a member on any of the following issues.


a. Defibrillator – Checks carried out and Forms completed.

b. Parish Website – Information posted/updated re Coronavirus with help for residents.

c. Overgrown hedge/Junction of Landing Lane and Back Lane, Asselby – East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) Streetscene Enforcement Officer had visited detailing work that needed to be carried out – Noted that some work had been done.

d. Potholes in Back Lane (west) – ERYC informed – noted that the potholes had been repaired along with others in Landing Lane.

e. Dog Fouling/Dogs running over crops – Dog Warden Conor O’Donoghue had been informed, he said he would visit to put in signage. The issue of dogs in crops is a private matter which landowners are responsible for. ERYC do not supply stencils/paint – after discussion with the members it was agreed to purchase them and mark the lanes and footways where dogs are taken.

(Thanks to P. Burnley who agreed to carry this out).

f. Scams – An enquiry was made to ERYC regarding spam emails sent to parish councillors. ERYC Stephen Carter replied that a member should add the email to their spam so any subsequent emails will go to spam.


a. Annual Governance and Accountability Return – Information had been received that parish councils should agree the Certificate of Exemption, the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement with all members present otherwise fines could be incurred.

(i) The Certificate of Exemption.

(ii) The Annual Governance Statement.

(iii) The Accounting Statement                    Agreed by all present and signed at the meeting.

b. S. A. Oates – Clerks Salary 01/04/2020 to 30/06/2020 paid by Standing Order 30/06/2020 - £550.00   

Phone and Internet Expenses 01/04/2020 to 31/07/202 at £10.00 per month - £40.00.         Agreed to pay by all present.

c. HSBC – Bank statements to 21/06/2020 – Balance at bank £5267.45.

d. Tesco – Inkjet Cartridges 16/06/2020 £21.50 – Visa Debit Card.

e. Protec Direct – Spray Paint for Dog Fouling stencils 06/07/2020 - £27.01 paid online.      Agreed by all.

f. Ideal Stencils – Clean it Up Stencils 06/07/2020 - £50.00 paid online.       Agreed by all.


a. ERYC – Notification of decision re Appeal for erection of a four bedroomed detached dormer bungalow at Rose Lea, Main Street, Asselby

for Mr. E. Allen 20/00004/REFUSED – Dismissed.

b. ERYC – Comments requested for the erection of two detached dwellings and a detached garage following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings at Sheken, Main Street, Asselby for Mrs. & Mrs. M. Perry. 20/01850 – Comments sent.

c. ERYC – Comments for Change of Use of land from Hauliers Yard to residential garden Land North West of West End Farm, Asselby for Mr.D.Harling. 20/01963 – No Observations.

d. ERYC - Comments for Change of Use of land from Hauliers Yard to residential garden Lane North West of West End Farm, Asselby for Mr.M.Shaw. 20/02023 – No Observations.

e. ERYC – Comments for Change of Use of land from Hauliers Yard to residential garden Land North West of West End Farm, Asselby for T&A Goldsmith Stacey. 20/02029 – No observations.

(This application was received after the agenda went out – agreed by all present to include with the items c and d above.


a. ERYC – Guidelines re 6 month non-attendance rule for parish councillors.

b. The Pensions Regulator.

c. Humberside Police Survey – Community Safety Priorities – Completed and Returned. Also, Anti-Social Use of Motorcycles Survey – Completed and Returned.

d. ERNLLCA – Newsletters (Previously forwarded) and Code of Conduct Consultation.

e. ERYC – National Highways and Transport User Satisfaction Survey – Completed by Chairman. - Tree Planting Fund. - Community Response Hub. - Casual Vacancies.

f. Clerks & Councils Direct.


a. Damage to Brick Structure on 18/05/2020 at Knedlington Crossroads/Insurance Claim and Rebuild costs sent to Zurich Insurance. Awaiting response.

b. Parking of vehicles on footway and highway. Concerns had been raised that vehicles were being parked inconsiderately on the footway and highway causing access issues for pedestrians and large vehicles. Message put on website and on AsselbyTalking requesting residents not to impede footway access and not to park directly opposite each on both sides of the highway.

c. Freedom of Information Request made to ERYC asking for analytical information from website – Informed by ERYC they are unable to provide this data.

d. Concerns had been raised regarding the siting of a private mail box on land adjoining Street View, Asselby. Residents had been querying if a new post box had been sited on the double bends. The members had agreed to make further enquires both to the ERYC and Royal Mail. ERYC have informed the parish council that reconditioned mail boxes purchased from Royal Mail for private use should be painted black. Awaiting further information from Royal Mail.

e. Screetons – It had been noted that an overgrown hedge on Knedlington Estate Lane on the approach to Knedlington Crossroads was obscuring road signs warning of Cyclists. The Clerk had contacted Screetons and requested the hedge to be cut back – 07/07/2020.

f. Blacksmiths Lane – Notice of Closure 27/07/2020 in Goole Times Public Notices – Information put on parish website and Asselby Talking.

g. Benches – After discussion it was agreed to make enquiries to get someone to maintain the benches in Asselby, Knedlington and Boothferry.

h. Planted Hedge/Schoolhouse field – Agreed by all present to leave.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm.

The next meeting will be arranged for September again taking into account Guidelines re Covid19

D R A F T - To be agreed and signed as correct as next meeting